Wednesday, November 14, 2007

First Vet Visit

I brought Marley to a wonderful vet this morning, recommended to me from a friend at work.

Muller Vet is located across the street from Pleasant Hill Bart. I highly recommend it if you are looking for one. I've had some bad experiences with others in the area and was very happy with the visit. They even took her picture, so your bill comes with a cute little pic of her. Guess it makes it easier to hand over the credit card looking at your doggies pic smiling back at you. Good Marketing Tactic!

A lot of people who haven't met Marley have asked me how big she is. She is pretty big and a little chubby, but I had no idea how much she weighed. Found out this morning she is almost 19 POUNDS!!! I guess her nickname that I gave her "Lil Tubby" fits well. The vet said she seems very healthy and is beautiful, so I was happy to hear that.

1 comment:

JT said...

We took our dogs to the same vet growing up. They were great!