Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Jay and I went to see Coldplay last night and they were AMAZING!!! I left the concert totally satisfied and loving them even more. They put on such a great show and sound better live than anyone I have ever heard. After I got over the initial "I Miss Roman" feelings, I had a great time out with my hubby. We both love to dance, so we were rocking out to all our favorite tunes. If you have a chance, don't miss Coldplay. It is worth every penny.

It was packed! I was so thankful we had seats. No one sat down the whole time, which is the kind of concert I love.

Nachos, beer and red vines. All of my favorites. I also wanted Ben and Jerry's, but the line was too long and I wasn't willing to miss a song.

During the song yellow, a bunch of yellow balls were brought out and roaming around the crowd.

My favorite part of the show was when butterfly confetti was shot into the audience.

Everyone got a free Coldplay Live CD when we left. What a fun surprise, so we were happy to rock out the whole way home. We even got one for Danny since he missed out on the concert.

Thank you Betty and Bob for taking care of Roman. I'm sure he loved hanging with his grandparents.


Maya said...

I was thinking of you guys yesterday. A few people I know went to the concert and also said it was amazing. Cool pics Heather!


Danny McMillan said...

Yeah, Coldplay is great. They got a good review from the Times. I'm excited to hear that disc! Thanks for the pics!