Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween Lesson Learned

I was so excited when I went to Target last week and saw Mini Play-doh's to pass out for Halloween. I thought, what a great alternative to candy. Jason immediatly said, "No Kids want play-doh, they just want candy." So I decided to see what Scott thought when he stopped by for trick-or-treating. When I told Scott he could have 2 pieces of candy and one jar of play-doh, he looked at me and said, "No thanks. More candy." I guess there is only one thing kids want on Halloween...candy. I guess I'll save my leftover play-doh's as stocking stuffers for Christmas.

Thank Goodness Jason was stocked with enough candy for 2 years. He actually contemplated getting more. Now I'm stuck with snacking on candy for the next month.

I'm so excited for next year. I can't believe we will have a little guy that we can dress up. After handing out candy and hanging out with Heidi, Danny, Scott and Tyler we headed over to the O'Briens. It was fun since there were 3 of us that are all expecting our first babies this next year. We had a good time exchanging stories and just getting excited for next year.

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