Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Pier 39

It was going to be a hot day, so we decided to escape to the city and be tourists for the day at Pier 39. Jason and I couldn't even remember the last time we had been there. We were looking forward to the food, the fog and the sites.

We went to the Aquarium at the Bay. I had no idea what to expect, but it was pretty fun and a perfect place for Roman to explore.

The Sardine Exhibit.
Does this make anyone else sad? I always think what a pathetic life for these creatures. They just swim and swim around in circles 24 hours a day.

Roman liked the eels.

Doesn't he looked thrilled with the jellyfish?

Touching the starfish and other sea creatures.

We then headed to some cheesy sports bar that ended up being a great place since there were lots of games to entertain Roman. He loves sitting at the car video games and pretending to drive. The best part is it is FREE. I wonder at what age he will want to start really playing.

Jason and I couldn't resist a round of Skee Ball. Roman insisted on playing on top of the game. It was either let him do it or experience a temper tantrum, so we just kept our eye out for security. Roman is quickly entering a new phase of screaming when he doesn't get what he wants. Of course, it is landing exactly the same time Lil P is due. Love how life always works works this way. We are hoping it is a short lived phase, but are trying to embrace it.

We ended the day with debating which dessert we wanted. Candy, ice cream or cookies? We decided on Mrs. Fields cookies and it didn't dissapoint. Loved our day being tourists!


To Be Determined said...

Pier 39 is the greatest tourist activity. I cannot believe you can still pick Roman up. I cannot wait for the baby/post (and text please).

Everytime I hear Jellyfish, I think of Heidi. She was the one person who could count on getting stung every visit to santa cruz.

thedemichielfam said...

That sounds like such a fun day! Gotta love the temper tantrums!!!

thedemichielfam said...

That sounds like such a fun day! Gotta love the temper tantrums!!!