Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Almost Midnight

Well...I've been here since 9am and it is almost midnight. Feeling good since I have my epidural and have been relaxing. Contractions have started to pick-up and Jay and I have been trying to sleep for the last 2 hours, but no luck. So we are listening to Bob Marley and enjoying our panoramic view of the city lights from our 15 floor suite. It is pretty amazing (I'll post some pics later). Thanks for everyones messages and love. We can't wait til Roman is here.

Due to having an assisted delivery (meaning they will be using forceps to get him out due to my aortic coarctation), he will be born in the O.R. We had planned on having my mom, Betty and Heidi here, but they only allow one to wear the scrubs, so looks like it will be Jay and I and 10 other doctors and nurses (not kidding, I asked). I really am getting treated like royalty. The highlight of my day was the visit from Dr. Stanger who was my pediatric cardiologist and oversaw my open heart surgery at UCSF when I was three. Life really does come full circle and he holds such a special place in my life.

Next message to hopefully come soon that Roman has arrived. Now I must try and pretend to go back to sleep in case the nurse comes back in.

Almost 1:30pm on Thursday and still no baby and probably not for a little while longer. Lots of contractions, lots of pitocin to keep them going and the edpidural is working but starting to feel some pain so need to start pushing for a higher dose. Don't want to bore anyone with details but doctor's feel that things are still progressing, so they are not discouraged yet. The hardest part for me is I haven't been able to eat since 6pm last night, so starting to get hungry. Hoping for an arrival before midnight, but if not we have a little Friday, the 13th baby in our arms.

Some pics from the 2 day labor day party (I can joke about it now)

This is the view from our labor and delivery room. Can you believe it? Penthouse suite!

Happy on March 11th

My mom, Betty and Heidi came to visit when we thought he would be coming on the night of the 11th

This was one of my favorite nurses, Rita. She never left my side for 12 hours on the afternoon/night of March 12th and kept me motivated. Loved her. In all, I had 5 total nurse shifts. Each one would encourage me by saying, Oh you will definitely be having the baby by the time my shift is over.

This is early morning on the 13th. I told the doctors that if he didn't arrive by this day that I may jump out the 15th story window. Jason thought that it would be funny to take a photo of me. I obviously was not happy. The only items I could eat was clear liquid and ice pops. Here I am enjoying one at 3am.

My rockstar roomate, Jay. One night I tried calling his name 10 times and he never woke up (I later found out he had drank a whole bottle of wine due to the stress). I almost had to call the nurse to make sure he was still breathing. Luckily he was just tired and completely passed out.


Ashley said...

Heather! I have been waiting all day for the big news! I hope that when I wake up that sweet little boy will be here safe and sound! Hang in there and I know what you mean about trying to get sleep~too many emotions and excitment going on in your head! Just know that all is well and soon it will seem like a dream and sooo worth it! I love you and can't wait for you and Jason to be parents, it't the best thing in the world. Take care of you and I look forward to pictures of sweet little Roman. Night love.

Jennifer Stofiel said...

I was hoping to awake this morning to Roman pictures in my email! I am so excited for you and Jason.

Maya said...

Jeremy and I are praying that everything goes well. I'm glad to hear that although it's taking some time, you are not in pain. UCSF rocks!!


Jacquie said...

So many people are sending their love - Marley & I are off to play ball and I'll see you after work. I know I'll bring good luck that Roman will be born tonight before I go home to spend another night sleeping with Marley in our beautiful king bed... Love,Mom

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to hear that everything went smoothly and that you and Roman are doing fine. Once the little guy arrives we should meet up at the Farmer's Market like we did impromptu style a few months ago! Good luck and an early congratulations to you and your family!

Anonymous said...

And really quickly to Jennifer, set up your own blog will you please?

Jennifer Stofiel said...

Hilary - no (ok maybe some day....)

Way to be a trooper Heather! If I had known you were still in labor, I would have sent more cheering text messages.

Robin said...

Heather and Jason, our whole family is praying for you and waiting for your little blessing to arrive! Many happy thoughts coming your way!

Maya said...


Thank you for being so thoughtful and taking the time to keep us updated. You sound calm, and even have some humor! If little Roman decides to come into the world today, I guess that means Friday 13th can also be a lucky day.

We love you and can't wait to hear the BIG news!

Maya + Jeremy

P.S. I keep checking the comments to this post in case Jason is too busy to text us, and maybe your mom or sister leave a comment with the news ;-)