Tuesday, October 18, 2011



This past week you turned ONE. We can't believe how fast this past year has flown by and can honestly say it has been the very best. You have brought so much love to our lives. Your sweet personality shines and you are always smiling. You have a twinkle in your eyes that just fills up our hearts. Your tongue is always out when you smile. Truly your signature look.

You always hear from parents about life being so much harder once a 2nd child arrives, but you proved them wrong. There is definitely much more work, twice the diapers and some days that are hard, but you truly make our lives easier and brighter. Other than your spit-up, you were an absolute angel baby. You are a great sleeper at night, love your naps, are happy almost all the time and so cheerful. Your chuckle is contagious and comes straight from the belly.

You are very active and get into everything. Your favorite thing is to climb onto anything and everything. Today I found you on top of our media cabinet. You must have scaled the speakers to get up there. You have very little fear and lots of energy, which has recently equaled a few falls and tumbles. You crawl at a very fast speed and rarely slow down to cuddle. At night it is a challenge to get you to take your bottle since all you want to do is keep moving. I can't wait to see what life is going to be like when you start walking. I may be in for a real challenge with both you and your brother.

You love food and will eat almost everything we give you. Really the only time you get upset is when you see food that you want. You may be a little tomboy (or it may just be because you have an older brother) but you love playing with cars, blocks and trains. You also like playing with your kitchen. You love being outdoors and at the park.

Roman absolutely adores you and I love seeing the 2 of you interact. Some of my favorite moments are catching the 2 of you playing when you don't think that I am watching. You try and keep up with him and are always wanting to do what he does. I am excited to see your friendship and relationship grow thru the years.

Happy Birthday Sweet Girl! You are our Sunshine!

1 comment:

Jacquie said...

Mommy finally captured my favorite pic of you...smiley Paisley with your lil tongue sticking out...you look pretty cute in your new Jean Jacket!