Sunday, December 5, 2010

2 Months

Paisley turned 2 months today. I can't believe how fast the time has gone. Sometimes it feels like it is going too fast, however I also appreciate everything getting easier.

Here are some highlights at 2 months...
-Smiling and so sweet
-Feeling so much better. This weekend was the 1st time without major crying/fussing from 5pm - 8pm. I am hoping this trend continues. YEAH!
-Loves the bathtub. We may have another waterbug.
-Pretty strong with her neck.
-Great sleeper at night. Long nap in the morning and then small cat naps in the afternoon.
-Likes being on her back and looking around at everything.
-Starting to coo and make all kinds of noises.
-Likes the Ergo Carrier and often falls asleep in it.
-Spit-up everywhere. We both have about 3 outfit changes a day.
-Eyes are starting to lighten up and look blue.
-Starting to get those adorable chubby legs. Love the rolls.

We are so in love with Paisley. My heart just melts when I look at her. Paisley and I went on a little shopping trip to Toys R Us this weekend, mainly for Roman's Christmas presents. I got really excited thinking about the future and all the fun, girly toys for her. My Little Pony, Barbies, Cabbage Patch Kids...I can't wait!

Paze, Chubs, Lovebug, Lil P
We LOVE You!


Jacquie said...

Happy 2 months sweetheart! We luv you...Nana & Pop

Anonymous said...

I love the little girl clothes, I would have so much fun just playing dress up with her! She is adorable and does look just like Roman's pics!

JKAndrus said...

She is the most darling little girl!

thedemichielfam said...

I love her too...and I noticed the very cute doggy outfit she was wearing. :0)