Thursday, August 13, 2009

5 Months

When did my little prince turn into the little man? It feels like overnight. So much has changed in the past few weeks and today marks 5 months for Roman. This past month he gradually began to get a lot happier and I finally feel like this past week he had a major breakthrough. YEAH!!! This whole week he has been smiley and so much fun. He is always moving and making hilarious new noises. This week resembles wild bird calls.

Here are some of his "Firsts" that happened this month.

1st Swim
He started out in my parents backyard baby pool and then graduated to the pool at ClubSport. He really loves the water.

1st Concert
OK...don't know if this really counts. But we went to the Jazz Night in Broadway. Although the music wasn't too memorable, Roman rocked his jazz hat and boogied down. He loves loud music (this he definitely inherited from his Dad).

1st Physical Therapy Appointment
Yes, you heard me right. They actually have therapy for babies (it is pretty cute and luckily only lasts 15 minutes). At his 4 month appointment the doctor noticed he was leaning his head to the right. It is called torticollis and therapy helps to strengthen his neck muscles. They are not sure why this happens (I'm blaming it on the forceps), but we have exercises to do everyday and at our last therapy appointment they had already seen lots of improvement. Roman has a really hard time with tummy time, but we made a big accomplishment in the last 2 weeks when he was able to tolerate it for over a minute. So proud of him!

1st Foods
We started on solids and it is so much fun. I knew he was going to love it since he has always been a BIG eater. Every time I take the spoon away he makes it very clear that he wants more. It is so cute to see their reactions to new tastes.

1st Vacation
Roman did great on his first trip away from home. We had such a good time and can't wait to make it an annual trip up to the mountains.

1st Trick
The feet have found their way into the mouth. This entertains him constantly.

I love this age and I know that it is only going to keep getting better. His smiles, noises and laughter keep me entertained all day. We have realized that we definitely have a little character on our hands. He loves to flirt with the ladies and smile at everyone. He has a bit of a temper, but will win you over everytime with his beautiful blue eyes.

We love you Roman. Happy 5 months! They have been the best 5 months of our lives. At times not always the easiest, but I wouldn't change a thing. You are perfect for us.


Maya said...

Roman looks adorable with his newspaper boy hat! Can't believe it's been 5 months already Heather! I'm so glad things are running smooth(er) now.

Anonymous said...

Heather, he is so cute! Congrats on all the milestones. It does just get better....the other day I was at the store with Colin telling him we just had to get fruit and milk and he looked at me and said "M & M's maybe?" I just looked at him and laughed and we left with fruit, milk and candy...I couldn't resist!

JKAndrus said...

So cute, he's getting so big!! I am so happy for you that things are getting easier. Hope you guys are enjoying the summer and you're enjoying staying at home. :)