Sunday, May 20, 2012

Our Little Kermit

Roman just completed his 5 weeks of daily swim lessons at the Woodlands Kermit Program. He started off just dunking and is now kicking and doing a few strokes. I was amazed with how much progress he made and I think the key was going daily. He had so much fun and looked forward to this every afternoon. Every day he would say, "Who is going to be my teacher today?" We will miss it, but are going to start swim lessons in June. I'm excited for a warm summer with hanging out at the pool. On the last day of Kermits, each kid was announced on the speaker and then jumped into the pool and swam a lap. Roman swam with an instructor since he has a ways to go (another year or so) before swimming a lap. At the end, everyone cheered and he got a ribbon. I was so glad I had my sunglasses on since I started tearing up. I was just so proud of him and all the hard work and dedication he put into this. He always listened to his teachers and tried everything they asked of him. I'm so proud of him!



Jacquie said...

The Kermit Program was so great for was so fun to see him get excited every day when it Was time for his swimming lesson...looking forward to a fun Summer at the Woodlands Pool!

To Be Determined said...

Yay for the wee kermit!

I cannot wait for you to relive swim team and Hawaiian ice and CORNNUTS and gummy worms and red VINES!

jealous... It's not going to be the same for me in Ohio =(

Scott McMillan said...

yeah Roman!! Auntie Heidi is very proud of the little man. so cute!

thedemichielfam said...

yeah, I'm teary now just reading it! We'l lhave to get our little fish together this summer! G is LOVING his swim lessons too! So proud of him...yeah!!!

thedemichielfam said...

yeah, I'm teary now just reading it! We'l lhave to get our little fish together this summer! G is LOVING his swim lessons too! So proud of him...yeah!!!