Saturday, June 9, 2012

Roman - The 2's

Roman just completed his 1st year at Walnut Avenue Preschool in the 2's Program. His teacher, Miss Helen, has been telling me for the last 2 months that he has made so much progress, which was so comforting to hear. She was excited to tell me that he is talking so much more and really interacting with all the kids. Nothing made me happier to hear that he is happy and feeling more comfortable. This program and school was perfect for Roman. It was just what he needed to help him become more social, follow some simple rules and get a little independence from me. We are so proud of you Roman! I am keeping him in school 2 days a week this summer since I thought he would be happy there.

His teacher, Miss Helen. The absolute perfect teacher for Roman. She was fun, silly, kind, caring and so loving to the kids. You realize it takes a very special soul to deal with a class full of 2 year olds. We will miss her so much next year.

Roman's Class 
(Christian, Amelia, Lexi, Matthew, Cole, Dylan, Dena, Roman and Parker)

Roman and his artwork. 
Thanks to lots of help from my Dad, we put together a board that is now in our front room to display all his art. He loved coming home and adding a new piece to it. 

Good-bye, Good-bye, to you and you and you
Good-Bye, Good-bye, may God bless you
(One of his favorite songs) 

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