Friday, July 1, 2011

Cheesecake Factory Adventure

A trip to a nice restaurant would be considered an adventure, not just dinner. Jay got home from work and was ready to start the weekend. He really wanted to go out for dinner and was stuck on The Cheesecake Factory. I knew the wait would be long, but it was a beautiful night, so we decided to go.

While waiting for our table, I decided to run over to the new Forever 21 with Paisley to check it out. Roman and Jay stayed behind to wait for the table. As I walked back to find them, I see Roman is standing in the water fountain soaking wet. It was a warm night, but he definitely could no longer go to The Cheesecake Factory soaked. I asked Jay what happened and he admitted that he didn't want to experience a temper tantrum (ROOKIE mistake).

We then headed to Children's Place for a wardrobe change. Luckily they had a massive sale. Here is Roman's new outfit for dinner.

As we entered The Cheesecake Factory to sit down, we happened to pass the cheesecake or "Birthday Cake" as Roman began to say over and over and over. He had a minor meltdown when I told him he had to wait til after dinner for "Birthday Cake". We finally made it to our table and thank goodness for this little angel.

Dinner was great and we both got to enjoy a cocktail. The evening ended with Roman getting his Birthday Cake. Seriously he thought he could eat this whole thing by himself. I ate 2 bites and it was so rich, but he was so happy.

Oh life with a 2 year old...never a dull moment. Thank goodness he is adorable and hilarious. Keeps us laughing.

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