Do you believe that within the past week I have been kicked, hit, bit and had large clumps of my hair yanked out of my head? AND the culprit is this innocent looking man.
OK...I am being dramatic, but we have officially entered a new phase and I feel like I am heading into a new realm. I bought the book 1, 2, 3 Magic a few months ago since it was recommended by our peditrician and I need to read it ASAP. I am trying to remember that this is all a stage and to keep my cool, but I miss my sweet, innocent, always loving little boy. The good thing is that Roman is really only doing these things to myself (and poor Marley), so we are ready to take some action to set in place some new rules. Currently my timeouts are not working since he thinks my stern "No" is funny and he likes when I hold him in a corner and count to 20. Some friends have suggested I set-up a Pack and Play, so we will see if that helps with the timeout concept.
On the flip side, Roman is sweet 90% of the day and is so loving. He plays very well with other kids and is a good sharer. He makes me laugh and I love seeing his personality come out. He loves his sister and is beginning to say "Please" when he wants something. I know that deep down he has a heart of gold and that this is simply a phase that EVERY toddler goes through.
breathe. Then have some wine.
hang in there! Logan went through the a similar stage at about 2, except he hit other kids...I was mortified and worried no one would ever want to play with him. Just a stage....he grew out of it and is back to his caring, friendly self:) Best advice Ive ever received is to remember its only a stage and this too shall paas:)
Yes, Roman has a heart of gold and that will never change. I hope this phase passes quickly for you. It doesn't sound like a fun one, but I think it's fairly common (especially with boys). Love you!
I feel your pain sista! right there with ya'! xoxo
Oh man, I totally hear you! Turin has been having WRETCHED tantrums lately--scratching, biting, the works--and I have said a few times to Jare, "What happened to our sweet little boy?" And, like you, I know it's a phase, but that still doesn't make it pleasant to go thru! I found with Siena that time-outs did NOT work--what helped was showing her a "replacement" behavior--eg, if she hit, I would immed say, "No, we don't hit--show me how you can be soft," and i would take her hand and make her stroke softly the kid. Another mom suggested that trick to me and it worked like a charm. Each kid is different though, but it might be worth a whirl!
Hang in there! My feisty little redhead can turn on a dime when she feels like it. But they definitely keep you on your toes and keep life interesting... right?
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