Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Roman Meets Santa's

This past weekend, Roman got to meet 3 different Santa's.

Scott, Tyler and Roman met Santa at the Walnut Creek pancake breakfast. I love this picture since it is a classic. Roman did not like this Santa.

He was much happier with Nana holding him.

Roman loved Santa Bucklew. He even got a special gift of a Christmas book.

The Classic Santa. Meeting this Santa even warmed my heart.

Can you tell I am loving all this holiday stuff with a baby. SO FUN! It is the best.


To Be Determined said...

I want to sit on santa 3's lap too. I have not seen a picture of tyler in a long time. he is such a little boy now.

Anonymous said...

I sat on Santa #3's lap b/c Colin wouldn't take his picture without Ron, Blake and me too. He is the best SC!