Friday, March 21, 2014

Valentine's Day

Valentines Day was hard this year without my Mom here, but I tried my best to focus on the kids and it helped a lot. They really got into the holiday this year and were looking forward to passing out their Valentines at preschool. Love experiencing special days with these special kids. 

I wanted the kids to do something nice for our neighbors this year, so I let them paint and decorate some Valentine hearts. We then delivered them to our neighbors and I realized how this little act of kindness meant so much.

 Roman ready to open his bag of Valentines after school. 

 Paisley was so thrilled to have her own bag of Valentines this year. 

The kids made and mailed their Valentines from school to our home. Paisley thought it was magical how her card ended up in our mailbox.  

Roman had a field trip where they walked to the mailbox and mailed their own Valentines. He loved seeing it arrive 1 day later. 

Happy Valentines Day to my 2 little sweethearts! I love you so very much and am so thankful for you. 

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