Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Preschool Begins

My little man started Preschool last week. Roman is going to Walnut Avenue Community Christian Preschool on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 - 11:45. I fell in love with this school for its simplicity, the peaceful surroundings, the loving teachers and that it based on the philosophy of "instilling in each child a love of self and a love of others". What more could I ask for?

The night before school, we packed Romans backpack and he wanted to wear it around the house for hours. He kept checking it to make sure everything was still inside. He is very particular. We talked a lot about school, about his teacher and about how special he was to be able to start going to school. Part of me really struggled with starting him in school at 2 1/2, but I knew it was going to be great for the both of us.

School starts at 9am, which can be a little early for me, but we made sure we had enough time to eat a good breakfast and get ready. We made it to school and found his teacher, Miss Helen. Roman was a little concerned with where his backpack would go and then came the tears when it was time for me to go. I noticed a few other boys crying and gave Miss Helen the look that I was on my way. She scooped him up and just held him. By the time I got back to my car with Paisley, I was ready to shed a few tears until I looked down at my phone and saw that Lauren was having her baby. It gave me a good emotional distraction.

When I picked up Roman he had a big smile on his face and told me "School was FUN!". He than began to sing "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" for me. I asked if he met any friends and he said, "Miss Helen". He speaks a lot about Miss Helen and I know she is the perfect teacher for his 1st year at school.

I know that preschool is going to be so great for Roman and I feel so lucky to have found this school for him. It is so nurturing and reminds me of somewhere I would have gone 30 years ago. Roman is such a special boy with a sweet soul. I look forward to some wonderful years ahead at Walnut Avenue Preschool.


Jacquie said...

Preschool is going to be such a special time 2 mornings a week for Roman...every mom I've talked to that's gone to Walnut Ave. Preschool luvs it...your preschool 30 years ago was a house on Marsh Creek Road with Miss Julie and although I also shed a few tears, it was great for you to start getting away from mom at 2.5 to gain a little independence and good for me to have special time with your new baby sister Heidi. I love it when Roman says Miss Helen is his friend!

Anonymous said...

I have mixed emotions about my kids being in pre-school, they come and go...But I am reminded, almost daily, about what they are gaining from the experiences they have there.
I was given a good lesson in this before my kids were even born...When my older sister Megan asked her eldest son (when he was about 3), who loves you the most?! He answered "Lupita!!!", his caregiver...It's just more people in their life to love them!

To Be Determined said...

Yay for Roman (and mommy). I cannot imagine how hard it is to drive away.