Friday, April 22, 2011

I Am...

Everyone knows I am a big Oprah Show fan. If I didn't have or want a family, my dream job would have been to be a producer for her show. I will be very sad when her show ends this season.

A few days ago she profiled a very successful Hollywood director, Tom Shadyac, who just completed a documentary titled, "I Am." It is a thought provoking journey that questions people to ask, "What's wrong with our world, and what can we do about it?" I am excited to see the documentary since his insight really gave me some questions and answers to ponder.

Jason and I are both doing some soul searching and trying to figure out where life is guiding us with our careers. I love being at home with my children and wouldn't change it for anything. I sometimes struggle since I feel like I should be providing more financially for our family, but I don't want to sacrifice these precious years with my children. With Roman turning 2, I've realized how quickly time goes by with children. Deep in my heart and soul, I know that I belong at home with these little ones. I am so happy. I wouldn't want it any other way.

My favorite quote from the show was Tom's explanation of success. I feel like he totally nailed it for me.
"[We have] a very extrinsic model of success," he explains. "You have to have a certain job status, a certain amount of wealth. ... I think true success is intrinsic. ... It's love. It's kindness. It's community."

I am currently working on a business plan that will allow me to work remotely, while also doing something I love. My main goal is to be able to be a Mom first and have a business second. I am the type of person who is always dreaming of different business ideas and I finally feel like this is the time to pursue it. Stay tuned for more details. It may not be ready for a you will just have to wait to see.


JKAndrus said...

I was in LA this past weekend and saw "I am". I LOVED it. You and Jason should see it, it is great in so many ways. I wish you luck on your journey. Isn't being a Mom the best!! Love you :)

To Be Determined said...

I cannot wait to hear your business plan. I am sure it will work out well. If you need an employee sign me up!

Anonymous said...

Check out this link I saw today - I immediately thought of you.....