Thursday, November 12, 2009

Friday the 13th = 8 Months

Tomorrow is Friday the 13th, which is actually a special day to us since Roman was born on a Friday the 13th. To our family, it no longer means bad luck, but instead a day to celebrate.

The best way to describe the last month is absolute JOY. Roman is a happy, smiley baby. It has been so fun to see his actual true personality shine through. I think this past month we have seen the biggest changes as he is becoming so aware of his surroundings and just wants to explore everything.

Here is a re-cap of the last month:

We no longer use his carseat in the Bob and he loves being forward facing for our walks. However this means he no longer naps in his stroller. Rarely do I even hear a peep from him during our hour long walks.

Socks no longer stay on his feet, but instead end up in his mouth. Anytime I get him out of the car I have to hunt for the socks since they never remain on his feet.

Now that he is rolling more and more I often find him in his crib on his tummy. He is also a fan of spitting his pacifier out of the crib into the middle of the room. Not sure how he does it, but he can really launch it far.

He loves his doggy and has figured out how to pet/pull her fur. Thankfully she tolerates everything so well. Marley just loves him so much too.

Gymboree is his favorite. I wasn't sure if he would like it at first, but it is awesome. It is so good for introducing them to new experiences, music and activity. I get such a kick out of it and he loves parachute and bubble time. Each time the parachute goes up he screams and laughs.

His 1st Baby Einstein video captivated both him and Marley.

He has really started creating a special bond with his Daddy. Whenever he sees Jay at the end of the day his face lights up and he gets so excited. I often like to dress him in an similar outfit to what Jay is wearing. I guess that is the one of the simple joys of having a boy.

He is a character! He loves to pull on our noses and poke our eyes out. Especially when I am trying to get him to nap. It makes me start laughing which then makes him start laughing and then we have to start all over. He is the King of Cat Naps. Mostly he takes (2) 30 minute naps a day. I know this is not normal, but at least you are sleeping throughout the night.

You are our everything and bring such happiness to our family. We are so excited for the holidays to be approaching and can't wait to celebrate with you. Happy 8 Months my Happy Little Man!


To Be Determined said...

He makes me smile

Hillary said...

All of those pictures are so great. I can't wait to squeeze his cheeks in a couple of weeks!!

JKAndrus said...

I loved that post, I could really feel how happy you (and Roman) are! Roman is such a cute little boy. I love the smiles and his sweet disposition. It will be amazing how quickly you will forget all the hard times. Love you guys!

Anonymous said...

That last picture just has to put a smile on everyone's face!

ck said...

I miss him so much!!!!!

Meg Honey said...

I agree with Hilary--that last photo is ADORABLE!!!!! I hope you guys are great! Dinner was so fun! :)

Maya said...

Yes, that last picture has made me smile, too. As tired as I am at 3:15AM, it made me smile.