Wednesday, March 23, 2011

No Keys

The other day we were all dressed and ready to go to playgroup at 10:00 (I even had Paisley in her carseat). After about 20 minutes of searching for my keys, I realized that they were nowhere to be found. I finally decided to call Jason and see if he put them somewhere and he realized he took both sets. So we were stuck at home for the day with nothing to do but play. I took advantage of everyone dressed and looking cute to take some pics in the backyard. Here are some of my favorites.

My Smiley Boy

Girls Best Friend

Striking a pose

Sweet Loves

Other than digging in the dirt, Roman also likes to collect sticks and push them thru little holes in the fence. He does this all the time. One of his many favorite quirky activities.

Paisley loves being outside

"Mom...your driving me crazy! Stop taking pictures."

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